Please also see our Wicked home page
"No One Mourns the Wicked"
For lyrics see Wicked lyrics - "No One Mourns the Wicked"
When composer-lyricist Stephen Schwartz began work on Wicked, he wrote "No One Mourns the Wicked" first. The article Wicked's Musical Themes explores the origins of music for "As Long as You're Mine," "No One Mourns the Wicked," and more.
If you don't yet have the Broadway cast album: Wicked music
"The Wizard and I"
Wicked's composer-lyricist Stephen Schwartz wrote two versions of a solo number for Elphaba (both called "Making Good" before writing "The Wizard and I" as a replacement. He wrote "The Wizard and I" with Idina Menzel's vocal skills in mind. For lyrics see Wicked lyrics - "The Wizard and I"
"What is This Feeling" (Loathing)
This is a duet between the witches-to-be when they are roommates at Shiz University. Based on first impressions, they find themselves loathing each other. Of course this changes by the end of the show. Read about the writing of "What is This Feeling"
For lyrics see Wicked lyrics - "What is This Feeling"
Lyrics and Popular sheet music see Wicked - Popular
Winnie Holzman had the idea that Galinda would do a make over on Elphaba in their dorm room. Schwartz spun off that idea for the song "Popular."
"Something Bad"
"Something Bad" and the Animal page with Lyrics. This song for Dr. Dillamond, the goat professor in Oz, Stephen Schwartz at first wrote a song called "As If By Magic" and later "Something Bad." Read about the story behind the song.
That page also has the lyrics to "Something Bad".
"Dancing Through Life"
"Dancing Through Life" was the final song to be written for Wicked and was composed after the San Francisco out-of-town trial for the show. It replaced "Which Way's the Party." For Stephen Schwartz's explanation and lyrics, see the Wicked lyrics "Dancing Through Life" page
"I'm Not That Girl"
Read Stephen Schwartz's comments on the music of "I'm Not That Girl".
For lyrics to "I'm Not That Girl" see the "I'm Not That Girl" lyrics page
"One Short Day" in the Emerald City
For lyrics see "One Short Day" wicked lyrics
"Defying Gravity"
See the "Defying Gravity" page for notes and quotes on the song's development, its meaning, a list of many singers who perform the song on their albums, sheet music, and more.
For "Defying Gravity" lyrics see the defying gravity lyrics page
"Thank Goodness"
In an issue of The Schwartz Scene newsletter, Stephen Schwartz offered a detailed explanation of his process of creative discovery over this ACT II opening number.
See the "Thank Goodness" page for info and lyrics
"Wonderful" and "Sentimental Man"
For lyrics and the story of Joel Grey playing the Wizard of Oz in Wicked, see Wicked Lyrics: Wonderful; Sentimental Man. Also a link to Stephen Schwartz commenting on the ocio-political material in Wicked.
"As Long As You're Mine"
For an article that explores the origins of music for "As Long as You're Mine," "No One Mourns the Wicked," and more, see Wicked's Musical Themes.
For lyrics see "As Long As You're Mine" lyrics
"No Good Deed"
Idina Menzel was fond of singing this song and called it a tour de force. She said the special sounds reminded her of her Bat Mitzvah, so it came very easy for her. For Stephen Schwartz's explanation of words like Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen see the No Good Deed page
For Lyrics see the "No Good Deed" lyrics page
"For Good"
LYRICS - For Good lyrics, comments, behind-the-scenes story. Stephen Schwartz developed "For Good" after interviewing his daughter about her close friend. Read comments and testimonials here. "For Good" is frequently used for graduations, memorial services, and other events.
Sheet music instant downloads: "For Good" - easy piano | "For Good" piano/vocal selections - melody in piano part | for choral versions see "For Good" choral, etc.
Don't Miss ShowBusiness - Documentary full of Wicked info.
This DVD includes behind-the-scenes clips and interviews for the making of Wicked, and more.
More about Wicked lyrics
Stephen Schwartz's general comments on writing lyrics: Here's a recent Q and A:
Q. How do you so fluently, in your lyrics, delve into the female psyche so skillfully?
A: When I write, I try to become the character in the situation and approach the song from that point of view. I don't consciously think about whether the character is male or female, but I guess there may be an inflection or attitude that changes depending on the gender of the character I am trying to "channel". - Stephen Schwartz (From his forum at posted 10/26/05
Read about Wicked's history | Read about Stephen Schwartz's musical influences from The Weavers to Sting and others
Wicked -- Praise for the song Lyrics
Praise for Wicked's lyrics and the CD:
From Paula of Toronto:
.... the musical has touched my heart, something I have experienced with other beautiful plays, but not to this extent. It appeals to women who have had life changing friendships and for me, one of the sub-themes of feeling the "ugly duckling" but who ultimately has success is most pronounced. The profoundly beautiful, emotive lyrics by Mr. Schwartz, sung by two superlative actors, Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, are unequaled in their meaning and will continue to influence me as I am having a very difficult time putting down the CD and listening to other music.
From Kori or Highlandville, Missouri:
I am totally consumed by the music from Wicked!! The first time I heard some music from this wonderful Soundtrack was on Thanksgiving Morning, Macy's Parade, Nov. 24, 2005. My husband, my mother and I were in St. Augustine, Florida for the wedding of our son on Saturday, Nov. 26. Thursday morning (the 24th), we were in our motel room getting ready for Thanksgiving Day which we would be spending with the family of our daughter-in-law to be. We had the TV on so we could at least be tuned in to the parade, which has always been a family tradition. I love the live performances they feature during that parade, so I really had my ears on. When they announced the presentation from Wicked, naturally I stopped everything so I could listen and watch. That's all it took. Other shows have beautiful and harmonious blends of music, but nothing has everything that Wicked has. To me this is the most electrifying, meaningful and fun music from any musical. From the family secret of the green elixir to their days of rooming at Shiz; from Loathing everything to Unlimited possibilities; from Dancing Through Life to being Popular – lar; from the OzDust Ballroom to Something Happening in Oz. I know that "Because I knew you" (that is, knew the music from the musical) that I definitely "Have Been Changed For Good"!!! My CD is so worn out from being played, I'll just "melt" if I don't get a new CD of the Wicked soundtrack!! (Not to mention a written copy of all of lyrics from the songs I love so much.) There is a presentation of Wicked in Oklahoma City in June and I am so hoping to be able to attend. Thank you for bringing these awesome and inspiring pieces of music and lyrics to us.